Current Projects


5G -and beyond- networks provide a strong foundation for EU’s digital transformation and are becoming one of the Union’s key assets to compete in the global market. Since 5G (and its future evolutions, 6G etc.) offers the fabric that connects EU systems and services, critical infrastructures, economy, etc., it is imperative to focus on the security, privacy, and trust challenges that surface due to their open, disaggregate and interoperable underlying technology solutions. Securing 5G networks and the services running on top of them requires high quality technical security solutions and also strong collaboration at the operational level.

All stakeholders (operators, vertical infrastructures, national authorities and public bodies, security experts, research community, etc.) must work together to build robust defenses and establish cooperation channels and practices for preparedness, incident handling, response and mitigation actions etc. The main aim of SAND5G is to deliver a risk and impact assessment platform for 5G to support a) 5G stakeholders secure their systems and services b) National Authorities and Member States’ Regulators overview the security status and applied measures that implement their national cybersecurity strategies and legislation, in line with European 5G cybersecurity policies and proposed EU toolbox for 5G security.
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The ambition of the NATWORK project is to set the foundations and deploy the very first economically realistic, energy efficient and viable bio-inspired AI-based 6G cybersecurity and resilience framework for intelligent networking and services, taking a holistic approach and considering all elements in a cross-sector business environment to address the diverse requirements and challenges that arise. The NATWORK project aims to develop a novel AI-leveraged self-adaptive security mechanism for 6G networks based on resilient bio- mimicry principles. The goal is to improve the malleability and the self-resilience of future 6G network ecosystems to offer augmented and secure services at the lowest energy costs. The principle premise is to empower various entities of 6G ecosystems with the ability to self-regulate their conditions to provide service continuity in compliance with service SLAs.

The Secure Federated Learning architecture of NATWORK will be based on decentralized defensive AI models embedded in dis-aggregated 6G network physical layer, smart Edge Network Interface Cards and RAN devices with P4-based programmable data plane and advanced DPU acceleration, with local feature extraction at wire-speed and AI model training. Among the key 6G security challenges that NATWORK aims to alleviate are Moving Target Defense and adaptive response to incidents, the employment of Net Zero AI and energy-efficient security for sustainable networks, the Detection of new forms of attacks bearing deep control flow monitoring as well as the elaboration of a continuum of security for payload deployment fostering secure migration of novel forms of in-network operations and secure distributed computations.
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ACROSS is a secure, end-to-end network and service management platform that aims to address the dynamic and complex requirements of modern and future services in a cloud processing environment. It provides a highly scalable service orchestration layer, managed by a multi-domain cloud-native service orchestrator, to manage multi-faceted infrastructures across geographically distributed edge-to-core deployments. It increases security and trust over underlying devices and data sources while jointly exploiting data, programmability, and AI to improve performance and outsmart existing service orchestration.

It employs zero-touch mechanisms for multi-objective service management optimizations and fosters a democratized cloud ecosystem for multiple stakeholders. It is built on principles such as event and data-driven microservices, open and standardized APIs, and true unsupervised real-time automation using AI. It aims to be the first of a new breed of AI-driven zero-touch service deployment and management platforms and has a concrete roadmap for proof-of-concept demonstrations to selected standards.
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The CUSTODES system will discover and translate certification information of the Building Blocks of the composite ICT products or Services under evaluation, will provide Certification information to the interested parties and will share information on newly identified vulnerabilities related to the specific blocks or composite products as needed increasing transparency, re-usability and trust. It will also utilize a Restricted & Trusted Execution (RTE) Environment, to ensure the chain of custody of the product under assessment.

CUSTODES will be validated in three pilots, a) one of two Class I composite products with digital elements, b) one of an ICT product with an embedded AI component and c) a final one of the as-a-service functionality through EIT Digital extensive digital ecosystem.

The CUSTODES project is built on a collaboration of 17 organisations from 11 EU member states and third countries. The Consortium which includes 3 Conformity Assessment Organizations is composed by 10 SMEs, 3 large industry partners, 2 research organizations, and 2 public organizations/associations. The Consortium is led by RISE which has extensive experience in national and European research projects, and numerous collaborations with industrial partners.
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Long-term towards Evolved 5G and 6G research needs mobilization of massive volumes of ideas, from which the best can emerge and be adopted for standardization. With the extremely low latency and huge data capacity of Beyond 5G and 6G networks, the cyber and physical worlds could converge, allowing for the development of services like digital twins and internet of senses applications. This future ecosystem is on track to be more collaborative and inclusive than previous generations of network.

FIDAL seeks to set the standard by fostering open architectures, large experimentation sites, and adopting a multi-stakeholder approach, thus it steps in, targeting the augmentation of human capabilities, enabling Media & PPDR vertical industry players to carry out advanced technological and business validation in large-scale trial facilities of highly innovative and advanced applications, that take full advantage of Evolved 5G technologies. This will provide significantly beneficial feedback to the broader industry, academia, innovators and community before wide commercial deployments of Evolved 5G networks throughout Europe.

FIDAL will build on the success of 5G-PPP Phase 3 projects, producing a unified experimentation framework with Zero-Touch orchestration, reusable Network Applications, Wand secure AI as a Service capabilities. In order to validate Evolved 5G technologies in a user environment and maximize downstream take up and prepare the ground prepare the ground for 6G, the project will deploy 3 testbeds and 3 large-scale test infrastructures in Greece, Norway, and Spain.
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METACITIES project will establish an Excellence Hub that spans a large geographical area, that of Southeastern Europe, represented by three clusters in Cyprus, Greece, and Bulgaria. Each cluster consists of partners involved in the Quadruple Helix (i.e., scientific, industrial, social, public) with the aim to collaboratively design common digital Research and Innovation strategies, policies, and joint pilots, orchestrated towards the benefit of the citizens, the stakeholders, the local ecosystems and the growth of the whole southeast European region.

Starting from the Physical World, representing the actual city or region, METACITIES will propose a series of system blueprints and recommendations that can be used to successfully build their Digital Twins and Metaverses. METACITIES conceptual model represents an evolution of the notion of smart city, which usually implies the use of Information Communication Technologies for the processing of data and their statistical manifestations in the form of dashboards. As Digital Twins are directly and in real time, interconnected and interacting with the physical city, exchanging processing data and making decisions, they can execute actions on the city’s operations that may affect its daily life.
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The main aim of CIPSEC is to create a unified security framework that orchestrates state-of-the-art heterogeneous security products to offer high levels of protection in IT (information technology) and OT (operational technology) departments of CIs. As part of this framework CIPSEC will offer a complete security ecosystem of additional services that can support the proposed technical solutions to work reliably and at professional quality. These services include vulnerability tests and recommendations, key personnel training courses, public-private partnerships (PPPs) forensics analysis, standardization and protection against cascading effects. All solutions and services will be validated in three pilots performed in three different CI environments (transportation, health, environment). CIPSEC will also develop a marketing strategy for optimal positioning of its solutions in the CI security market.
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The Sense.City platform provides the tools that activate citizen’s creativity, imagination and communication, engages urban thinking and improves the relationship between citizens, the city municipality and city’s public services. By using the platform, citizens become the city sensors! With their own communication devices (mobile phones) or via the application, citizens can post in real time issues and problems for something that happens in their city, inform their fellow citizens and the municipality for problems and incidents that occur every moment. Citizens actively participate in the processes and solve problems concerning their lives in the city. They help in urban development while improving the relationship between citizens and public services of the city.


5GinFIRE main technical objective is to build and operate an Open, and Extensible 5G NFV-based Reference (Open5G-NFV) ecosystem of Experimental Facilities that not only integrates existing FIRE facilities with new vertical-specific ones but also lays down the foundations for instantiating fully softwarised architectures of vertical industries and experimenting with them. The initial instantiation of the Open5G-NFV ecosystem will be driven by the automotive vertical deployed across state-of-the-art 5G infrastructures, however, it will also be as generic as possible in order to host other verticals.


The 5G Verticals Innovation Infrastructure initiative, or 5G-VINNI, is a conglomerate of 23 partners, including telcos such as BT, Telefónica, Altice, Cisco, Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia, as well as academics from across Europe. The €20 million project will be coordinated by Telenor Group, the international telecom operator headquartered in Norway. The project, scheduled to run for three years, will leverage the latest 5G technologies, including results from previous 5G PPP phases, and employs advanced network virtualization, slicing, radio and core technologies. In addition, a rigorous automated testing campaign will be employed to validate 5G under various combinations of technologies and network loads. The project will use the likes of advanced network virtualisation, slicing, radio and core technologies. Participants will hold automated tests to see how 5G performs using various combinations of technologies and under different kinds of requirements. Open APIs will be used to ensure participants have easy access to the trials.
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Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) are an important driver for innovation and growth in the EU. At the same time, SMEs also stand to gain the most from innovative technologies that promise convenient deployment and economical operation of ICT. Taking into account cyber-security, SMEs do not always understand all the risks and business consequences for the development of technologies without the adequate level of protection against cyber crime. The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) declares in the “Information Security and Privacy Standards for SMEs” study of 2016 that, despite rising concerns about information security risks,the level of SMEs information security and privacy standards adoption is relatively small.
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Past Projects


OpenLab brings together the essential ingredients for an open, general purpose and sustainable large scale shared experimental facility, providing advances to the early and successful prototypes serving the demands of Future Internet Research and Experimentation. We are deploying the software and tools that allow these advanced testbeds to support a diverse set of applications and protocols in more efficient and flexible ways.
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FORGE (Forging Online Education through FIRE)

Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE) is a project bringing the FIRE and eLearning worlds together. FORGE will align FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) with the ongoing education revolution. This project will specify development methodologies and best practices for offering FIRE experimentation facilities to learners and to the learning community in general. FORGE relates to communications and IT, as well as to other disciplines including the physical and social sciences. It will lead to a strong connection between the learning community and existing FIRE platforms and supporting tools.
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STEER is to make significant advances in Social Telemedia research and practices, and engineer an operational Social Telemedia environment customized to support various innovative experiments. These experiments are oriented toward investigating the intrinsic nature of the Future Social Telemedia Lifecycle that revolves around communities, revealing new properties and patterns, creating new insights, and, exploring the synergy between Social Informatics and Networked Media delivery and its impact on user experience.
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FISH: FI-STAR Integrated Service Hub

NAM awarded a proposal around the provisioning of applications in health sector after the open call of FP7 FI-PPP EU Funded European project FI-STAR. FISH technology addresses the objective for the realization of the highly desirable functionalities of Marketplace and Deployment tool with features including both service discovery and automated service deployment. FISH proposal defines an architecture and a development approach for delivering to FI-STAR a holistic marketplace solution for easily deploying applications, enablers and services. The architecture consists of a Marketplace backend solution, a Marketplace frontend interface, a Brokering service that accommodates marketplace requests and a client FI-STAR Application container and application management tools for the various end-user devices/machines that will be supported. FISH proposes support of features, implementation tools, utilization of FI-WARE GEs and an agile development process that ensures the delivery of the envisaged processes on time.
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The NAM group awarded a tender project of the FP7-INFINITY PPP project, to create a resource advisory service over Future Internet infrastructures. The service is available under the XiPi portal of Future Internet resources.
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P2P@Clouds-BonFIRE experiment

The NAM group got a 1 year fund for executing P2P experimentation on the Future Internet infrastructure provided by the FP7 project BonFIRE.


The Panlab infrastructure manages interconnection of different distributed testbeds to provide services to customers for various kind of testing. Such testing activities need support from a coordination center instantiated here as the so-called Panlab Office.
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Vital + +

VITAL++ mainly aspires at defining and illustrating a new communication paradigm that will demonstrate how content-based applications and services, highly heterogeneous in terms of user functions and distributed in the network, can be enrolled in the frame designated by the operations of traditional telecommunication networks and thus be widely available to the users with proper QoS, security and adequate privacy.
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SECRICOM is a research project creating Seamless Communication for Crisis Management for EU safety. Thirteen partners from eight EU countries united their capacities in order to produce a competetive solution for secure communication and collaboration of emergency responders with advanced functions.  The project requirements include security, dependability, enhanced connectivity, transmission of multiple formats and advanced search functions. The goal is to build a  system that ensures end-to-end secure transmission of data and services across heterogenous infrastructures with real time detection and recovery capabilities against intrusions, malfunctions and failures.
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