FSToolkit: a Toolkit enabling the specification and operation of Federaration Scenarios
- evaluation and testing specifications of new technologies, products, services
- execution of network and application layer experiments
- or even complete commercial applications that are executed by the federation’s infrastructure in a cost-effective way

Federations of Resource Providers and Brokers
A Federation Scenario describes end-user needs for services provided by resources of a federated infrastructure. At this point resource brokers play a key-role in creating and supporting federated infrastructures. A resource broker matches customer requested services and provider resources from the federation.
The FSToolkit is a development environment for specifying and operating Federation Scenarions. The editor is based on the textual modeling framework (TMF) of Eclipse and specifically the Xtext framework , which helps implementing rich editors by a definition of a specific syntax. The toolkit supports a family of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), used by resource brokers, resource providers and experimenters, that have a defined meta-model as an abstract syntax. The meta-model is also capable to support a federation of federations. This means that the model and therefore the DSLs are capable to describe federation scenarios involving resources even from a pool of resource brokers. The presented support language tooling is available for the Eclipse workbench.